[CCC News] Small bargain: Cordless phone to fix your mobile phone reception. $108 a pair.

Michael Kean michael at auzzie.net
Sat Dec 31 17:14:03 AEDT 2011

G'day all :)

Just a quick note. Last newsletter I mentioned some cordless phones that 
pair up with your mobile phone so you can make mobile phone calls 
without holding your mobile phone.

These were normally $170. Until 2/1 they're available for $108 for a 
pair instead.


The reasons you might want one?

1 - You can put your mobile somewhere it gets reception and the cordless 
phones take over. Solves or reduces dropouts.

2 - You want to take up a good mobile phone plan, or already have one, 
but have trouble with the small buttons or touch screens on new phones.

3 - You're scared of radiation from mobile phones.

4 - You're hard of hearing and your mobile's too quiet. (These have 
hands free.)

My apologies for the spam if you didn't want to know about these!

Cheers, Mike.

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