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Notify Auzzie of a Payment

Mailed Cheques and Payments at agents can take a while to be processed.

If you have made a payment and are nearly out of credit, you can use this form to notify us of your payment. We will temporarily increase your credit limit for 14 days or until your payment is processed.

Note: If you fake a payment, you may have your account suspended, so please don't abuse this feature!

Please note that this system is not fully automated - there may still be a short delay.

Your Account's Login Name:

(the name you enter to connect to

Email address for correspondence:
How much did you pay? $

What date did you pay on?
How did you pay?
Where did you pay (if appropriate)?

Please note:

  • Your payment details are transmitted by secure (SSL) communication to the server and are then retrieved by secure (SSL) mail for processing.
  • Paying your account via EFT is preferable to using a credit card, as we have to pay a percentage of your payment to the bank if you use Credit Card. (We don't pass that charge on to you.)