[CCC News] New "Remote Assistance" icon :)

Michael Kean michael at auzzie.net
Thu Sep 23 19:57:59 AEST 2010

G'day all :)

For technical reasons, the "Cool Country Remote Assistance" icon that 
many of you have is no longer functional.

If you would like to be able to have me fix your computer via remote 
control in the future, you'll need to download a new one.

You don't have to do that now of course as I'll talk you through it when 
you call for help.

However, if you do want to grab it now - you can find it at the brand 
new Cool Country Consulting website by going to:


.. and clicking the "Remote Assistance 2010" icon to save it on your 

As this is a standalone icon, you can place it wherever you like - such 
as on the desktop or in your Documents folder.

Cheers, Mike

PS - Sorry, this does not work on Apple computers.


The technical reason is because my IP address changed. Since there are 
only four billion addresses, and more than half have been used, we're 
starting to run out of unique numbers. This is probably what caused the 
reshuffle. A new numbering system is in development to solve this 
shortage of numbers in the future - see 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4_address_exhaustion for the nerdy stuff :)

If you're thinking "why doesn't he just use DNS" there is a reason. By 
using a fixed IP this remote assistance program will often work even 
when the computer is full of creepy crawlies, because many creepy 
crawlies like to hijack the DNS system.


Cool Country Consulting&  Auzzie Internet
MSN: michael at auzzie.net
Tel: 02 6775 0239
Fax: 02 8212 9582
Mob: 0427 644 825
Skype: cccons
Yahoo: lispbourke

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